World Tallest Siva Linga located in Kardo jungle of hill forest. Head Quarter of Lower Subansiri District Hapoli, Ziro Arunachal Pradesh. It is the sacred month of Shravana to Worship Lord Shiva. A wood cutter was cutting a tree at right side of Lingam,but tree was changing its direction while falling in ground. So he was surprising about this incident and he started searching by clearing grasses at expected spot of falling direction of tree.Such a way he discovered this Shiva Lingam at Kardo Hill under Ziro.
After finding a rising stone, wood cutter told some near by people about this Lingam.Then many devotees led by Pandit Sri S. Dubey from nearest Shiv Mandir had performed Pujas. Pandit named this Lingam as Sidheswar Nath as it is standing in Dev Bhumi of Arunachal in Shid-peeth. It can really be seen that this has been found in same way as the Amarnath Cave was discovered by a local resident in many years ago.It has obviously mentioned in the SHIVAPURANA in chapter 17th of edition 1893 in which mentioned about that the tallest Shiva Lingam will appear like mountain of fire at a place which will be called Lingalaya and later the whole place will be known as Arunachal.
This Siva Linga is named as Sidheswar Nath Temple.The name of Sidheswar Nath is among the 1008 designated names of the Lord Shiva.Arunachal is land of Dev Bhumi and believed to be “Sidh Peeth” means land of godliness.So World Tallest Siva Linga is named as “Sidheswar Nath” as he is standing in land of Sidh Peeth.
A brief features of this Shiva Linga are like as follows ,Height is 24 feet, Circumference is 22 feet, Pravati stands in backside, Kartica in right side, Ganesha is sitting in left side, Ganga is flowing from beneath of Shiva Linga. He is wearing Rudra mala and Bhashki Nag at top of head and also Bheel patta at head of left side. Nandi is laying under earth that slightly appearing in surface. Living snake as Nag-Naging appear in every 3(three) years during Shivratri.

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