Prerona, an NGO which runs a school for the physically and mentally challenged and differently-able children. Prerona was established in the year 1992, is affiliated to Indian Institute of Cerebral Palsy, Kolkata. Prerona is an educational day centre for children with disabilities. The main objectives of Prerona is to develop the child’s maximum intellectual, potential and make all possible effort to provide the disabled children with all the care and support so that the children can meet their challenge of life. They were providing all round educational facilities to disable children, teaching these special children to play positive rolls in life. Prerona also organising workshop, seminar, cultural shows etc. for creating awareness among common people.
Recently on its 23rd Foundation Day, the NGO got a three storied facility – which will enable it to offer physiotherapy, speech therapy, music therapy and a multi sensor unit- and a special wheel chair that enables a person with weak legs to stand upright with support from the back.
Last year the NGO tied up with Rupam Sharma’s OMKARA, which offers music therapy to cancer patients. The music therapy for the disable developed by OMKARA also given there.
In 2009, PRERONA was awarded “National Award for The Empowerment of Persons of Disabilities” by Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt. of India.
(Pictures in this album are from Cultural Show performed by students on their 23rd Foundation Day Celebration)
Contact Details:-
Spastic Society of Jorhat, Cinnamora
Jorhat- 785008, Assam
PRERONA- Spastic Society of Jorhat

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