Great Vaishnava saint of Assam, Srimanta Sankaradeva formulated the doctrines of his own brand of Vaishnavism called ‘Eksarana Namadharma’. The Eksarana Namdharma faith spread far and wide in Assam, as well as some parts of North-East India.
To spread ideology and legacy of Srimanta Sankaradeva, Vaishnava deciples of Arunachal Pradesh constructed a Naamghar. The Sarbajanin Naamghar, Hapoli, Ziro was founded by Dr. Ranbir Singh, IAS, then deputy Commissioner of Lower Subansiri District on 10th March 1996. Assamese society of Hapoli operating this Naamghar in a beautifull hilly place of Ziro, Arunachal Pradesh.
Hapoli Naamghar, Ziro

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